Episode 5

Published on:

1st Nov 2020

Jurassic Park (movie)

Alina and I explore themes ideas about the dangers of scientific progress, feminism, the illusion of control, and embracing identity while discussing George Lucas's classic film Jurassic Park.

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About the Podcast

Truth and Fiction
Discovering what it means to be human through the exploration of prominent works of fiction.
In this world of quicksand where the legitimacy of social institutions and anchors of our society are crumbling, where It is impossible to know what is true, or who to trust, turn with me to the great stories to find something to stand on. As the American social landscape continues to divide to farther extremes we seek to establish some common ground discussing the nuances of human life explored through great works of fiction both written and performed onscreen.

The arts are a language of metaphor, intuition and symbolism used to explore complex ideas. The ideas presented in literature are often unarticulated insights into humanity. The older and more universally valued the art, the more significant the insights. These bits of truth can help inform our view of the world and the social structures that make it up. The actions of the characters and the readers intuitive admiration or repulsion of those actions can serve as a guide toward a life of meaning and purpose, as a reference point amidst this social sea of chaos.

People universally admire heroes. People universally despise villains. By studying great stories one can learn what makes for a hero, a villain, and everything in between. If that knowledge is properly internalized it can serve to direct ones life decisions. This makes the study of stories a most worthwhile pursuit.

One can live a thousand lifetimes and learn from a thousand mistakes from the safety of ones own mind, if the process of critical thinking is practiced while consuming stories. Come participate in this process along with us, and discover Truth and Fiction.
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About your host

Profile picture for Josiah Georgeson

Josiah Georgeson

The Co-host of the podcast Truth and Fiction, together with Steve Hansen exploring what it means to be human through the analysis of prominent works of fiction. I am a Northern California native who makes his living climbing trees, and creating online content. I am a strange breed of college drop-out, creative, pseudo-intellectual who enjoys exploring new ideas, taking risks, and getting to the roots of reality by obsessing over the questions why and how.